88 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic modeling of the no-vent fill methodology for transferring cryogens in low gravity

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    The filling of tanks with cryogens in the low-gravity environment of space poses many technical challenges. Chief among these is the inability to vent only vapor from the tank as the filling proceeds. As a potential solution to this problem, the NASA Lewis Research Center is researching a technique known as No-Vent Fill. This technology potentially has broad application. The focus is the fueling of space based Orbital Transfer Vehicles. The fundamental thermodynamics of the No-Vent Fill process to develop an analytical model of No-Vent Fill is described. The model is then used to conduct a parametric investigation of the key parameters: initial tank wall temperature, liquid-vapor interface heat transfer rate, liquid inflow rate, and inflowing liquid temperatures. Liquid inflowing temperature and the liquid-vapor interface heat transfer rate seem to be the most significant since they influence the entire fill process. The initial tank wall temperature must be sufficiently low to prevent a rapid pressure rise during the initial liquid flashing stage, but then becomes less significant

    Cryogenic transfer options for exploration missions

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    The literature of in-space cryogenic transfer is reviewed in order to propose transportation concepts to support the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI). Forty-nine references are listed and key findings are synopsized. An assessment of the current maturity of cryogenic transfer system technology is made. Although the settled transfer technique is the most mature technology, the No-Vent Fill technology is maturing rapidly. Future options for development of cryogenic transfer technology are also discussed

    Review and test of chilldown methods for space-based cryogenic tanks

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    The literature for tank chilldown methods applicable to cryogenic tankage in the zero gravity environment of earth orbit is reviewed. One method is selected for demonstration in a ground based test. The method selected for investigation was the charge-hold-vent method which uses repeated injection of liquid slugs, followed by a hold to allow complete vaporization of the liquid and a vent of the tank to space vacuum to cool tankage to the desired temperature. The test was conducted on a 175 cubic foot, 2219 aluminum walled tank weighing 329 pounds, which was previously outfitted with spray systems to test nonvented fill technologies. To minimize hardware changes, a simple control-by-pressure scheme was implemented to control injected liquid quantities. The tank cooled from 440 R sufficiently in six charge-hold-vent cycles to allow a complete nonvented fill of the test tank. Liquid hydrogen consumed in the process is estimated at 32 pounds

    Small experiments for the maturation of orbital cryogenic transfer technologies

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    The no-vent method is a promising approach to handling the problems of low-g venting during propellant transfer. A receiver tank is first cooled to remove thermal energy from the tank wall and the resultant vapor vented overboard. The nozzles mix the incoming liquid and residual vapor in the tank maintaining a thermodynamic state which allows the tank to fill with liquid without venting. Ground based testing at NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) has demonstrated the no-vent fill process and attempted to bound its low-gravity performance. But, low-gravity testing is required to validate the method. As an alternative to using a dedicated spacecraft for validation, several small scale experiments to study no-vent fill in low-g were formulated. Cost goals quickly limited the search to two possibilities: a secondary payload on the space shuttle, or a small scale sounding rocket experiment. The key issues of small scale experimentation are discussed, and a conceptual design of a sounding rocket experiment with liquid hydrogen for studying the fill process is presented

    Improved thermodynamic modeling of the no-vent fill process and correlation with experimental data

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    The United States' plans to establish a permanent manned presence in space and to explore the Solar System created the need to efficiently handle large quantities of subcritical cryogenic fluids, particularly propellants such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, in low- to zero-gravity environments. One of the key technologies to be developed for fluid handling is the ability to transfer the cryogens between storage and spacecraft tanks. The no-vent fill method was identified as one way to perform this transfer. In order to understand how to apply this method, a model of the no-vent fill process is being developed and correlated with experimental data. The verified models then can be used to design and analyze configurations for tankage and subcritical fluid depots. The development of an improved macroscopic thermodynamic model is discussed of the no-vent fill process and the analytical results from the computer program implementation of the model are correlated with experimental results for two different test tanks

    Comparing the results of an analytical model of the no-vent fill process with no-vent fill test results for a 4.96 cubic meters (175 cubic feet) tank

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    The NASA Lewis Research Center (NASA/LeRC) have been investigating a no-vent fill method for refilling cryogenic storage tanks in low gravity. Analytical modeling based on analyzing the heat transfer of a droplet has successfully represented the process in 0.034 m and 0.142 cubic m commercial dewars using liquid nitrogen and hydrogen. Recently a large tank (4.96 cubic m) was tested with hydrogen. This lightweight tank is representative of spacecraft construction. This paper presents efforts to model the large tank test data. The droplet heat transfer model is found to over predict the tank pressure level when compared to the large tank data. A new model based on equilibrium thermodynamics has been formulated. This new model is compared to the published large scale tank's test results as well as some additional test runs with the same equipment. The results are shown to match the test results within the measurement uncertainty of the test data except for the initial transient wall cooldown where it is conservative (i.e., overpredicts the initial pressure spike found in this time frame)

    The Role of Flight Experiments in the Development of Cryogenic Fluid Management Technologies

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    This paper reviews the history of cryogenic fluid management technology development and infusion into both the Saturn and Centaur vehicles. Ground testing and analysis proved inadequate to demonstrate full scale performance. As a consequence flight demonstration with a full scale vehicle was required by both the Saturn and Centaur programs to build confidence that problems were addressed. However; the flight vehicles were highly limited on flight instrumentation and the flight demonstration locked-in the design without challenging the function of design elements. Projects reviewed include: the Aerobee Sounding Rocket Cryogenic Fluid Management (CFM) tests which served as a valuable stepping stone to flight demonstration and built confidence in the ability to handle hydrogen in low gravity; the Saturn IVB Fluid Management Qualification flight test; the Atlas Centaur demonstration flights to develop two burn capability; and finally the Titan Centaur two post mission flight tests

    Influence of Turbulence on the Restraint of Liquid Jets by Surface Tension in Microgravity Investigated

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    Microgravity poses many challenges to the designer of spacecraft tanks. Chief among these are the lack of phase separation and the need to supply vapor-free liquid or liquidfree vapor to the spacecraft processes that require fluid. One of the principal problems of phase separation is the creation of liquid jets. A jet can be created by liquid filling, settling of the fluid to one end of the tank, or even closing a valve to stop the liquid flow. Anyone who has seen a fountain knows that jets occur in normal gravity also. However, in normal gravity, the gravity controls and restricts the jet flow. In microgravity, with gravity largely absent, surface tension forces must contain jets. To model this phenomenon, a numerical method that tracks the fluid motion and the surface tension forces is required. Jacqmin has developed a phase model that converts the discrete surface tension force into a barrier function that peaks at the free surface and decays rapidly away. Previous attempts at this formulation were criticized for smearing the interface. This can be overcome by sharpening the phase function, double gridding the fluid function, and using a higher order solution for the fluid function. The solution of this equation can be rewritten as two coupled Poisson equations that also include the velocity. After the code was implemented in axisymmetric form and verified by several test cases at the NASA Glenn Research Center, the drop tower runs of Aydelott were modeled. Work last year with a laminar model was found to overpredict Aydelott's results, except at the lowest Reynolds number conditions of 400. This year, a simple turbulence model was implemented by adding a turbulent viscosity based on the mixing-length hypothesis and empirical measurements of previous works. Predictions made after this change was implemented have been much closer to experimentally observed flow patterns and geyser heights. Two model runs is shown. The first, without any turbulence correction, breaks through the free surface and strikes the far end of the tank. In the second, the turbulence spreads the jet momentum over more of the free surface, enabling the surface tension forces to turn the jet back into the bulk liquid. The model geyser height with the second model is 1.1 cm. This is quite close to the 1.5-cm geyser height measured by Aydelott

    Cryogenic Fluid Transfer for Exploration

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    This paper discusses current plans and issues for exploration that involve the use of cryogenic transfer. The benefits of cryogenic transfer to exploration missions are examined. The current state of the art of transfer technology is reviewed. Mission concepts of operation for exploration are presented, and used to qualitatively discuss the performance benefits of transfer. The paper looks at the challenges faced to implement a cryogenic transfer system and suggest approaches to address them with advanced development research. Transfer rates required for exploration are shown to have already been achieved in ground test. Cost-effective approaches to the required on-orbit demonstration are suggested

    CryoTran user's manual, version 1.0

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    The development of cryogenic fluid management systems for space operation is a major portion of the efforts of the Cryogenic Fluids Technology Office (CFTO) at the NASA Lewis Research Center. Analytical models are a necessary part of experimental programs which are used to verify the results of experiments and are also used as a predictor for parametric studies. The CryoTran computer program is a bridge to obtain analytical results. The object of CryoTran is to coordinate these separate analyses into an integrated framework with a user-friendly interface and a common cryogenic property database. CryoTran is an integrated software system designed to help solve a diverse set of problems involving cryogenic fluid storage and transfer in both ground and low-g environments